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  • Arie Jonathan Mulyantara STIE SERELO LAHAT
  • Yuhanis Ladewi STIE SERELO LAHAT
Keywords: Oversight, Teamwork, Communication and Performance


The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the effect of supervision on employee performance at the Muara Enim District Secretariat, to determine and analyze the effect of teamwork on employee performance at the Muara Enim District Secretariat and to find out and analyze the effect of communication on employee performance at the District Regional Secretariat Muara Enim. In this study using primary data and secondary data. Primary data in this study were obtained by distributing questionnaires to 68 employees of the Muara Enim District Secretariat. Data analysis techniques used in the SPSS application version, using data testing, and satatistik testing. From the results of data analysis of the variables studied, namely supervision, teamwork and communication showed an influence on employee performance at the Muara Enim District Secretariat.


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