International Conference On Education and Sports Science 2020 (INCESS 2020) 2021-06-13T23:24:06+07:00 Arif Hidayat Open Journal Systems <p>1. The INCESS 2020 international webinar at the University of Bina Darma is the first time a Sports Education Study Program has been held. This seminar can be carried out in collaboration with various educational institutions from universities in Indonesia and abroad such as, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU), Philippine Normal University (PNU), Semarang State University (UNNES), Universities Sriwijaya (UNSRI), and Jakarta State University (UNJ). Working together in various fields, especially Human Resources (HR) who participated in this seminar. In addition, this seminar also received a call paper for presenters who would publish articles in reputable and indexed journals. We have established a partnership with&nbsp;Horizon Research Publishing Corporation (HRPUB).</p> <ol> <li class="show"><a href="">Universal Journal of Educational Research</a> (Scopus Q4)</li> <li class="show"><a href="">International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences</a> &nbsp;(Scopus SJR)</li> <li class="show"><a href="">Jurnal SPORTIF</a> (Sinta 2)</li> <li class="show">Journal Sport Area (Sinta 3)</li> <li class="show">Altius (Sinta 5)</li> <li class="show">ISBN Proceeding</li> </ol> <p><strong>2. The 2<sup>nd </sup>Internasional Conference on Education and Sports Science (INCESS) 2021.</strong>&nbsp; The theme of this 2<sup>nd</sup> Conference is <strong>“The Role of Science and Technology of Sport in the Study of Physical Education, Sport and Health in Digitalization Era”.</strong> And the topic that will be discussed are: 1) Strategy of&nbsp; Physical Education Virtual Learning; 2) The Effect of Covid-19 from Sports and Health Aspect; 3) Learning and Training Motivation in Covid-19 Pandemi Era; 4) Training Strategy during Covid-19; and&nbsp; 5). The Implementation of Science and Technology in Physical Education, Health and Sport Learning.&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;This seminar is conducted by Universitas Bina Darma incollaboration with varsities in Indonesia and overseas, such as Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Kasetsart University, University of Santo Tomas (UST), National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU), Philippine Normal University (PNU), Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES), Universitas Sriwijaya (UNSRI), and Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ), collaboration in many fields, especially human resources as participants in this conference. All accepted and presented papers from 2<sup>nd</sup> INCESS 2021 will be submitted for indexing to Scopus, WOS, Google Scholar, ProQuest, EBSCO , SINTA etc. The options of other publications are:</p> <ol> <li class="show">Malaysian Journal of Learning &amp; instruction (Q1)</li> <li class="show">Journal of Physical Education and Sport (Scopus Q3)</li> <li class="show">International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences (Q4)</li> <li class="show">Sport Area Journal (Sinta 3)</li> <li class="show">Altius (Sinta 5)</li> </ol> THE EFFECT OF DIRECT INSTRUCTION ON THE CHEST PASS LEARNING OUTCOMES IN CLASS X BASKETBALL GAME SMA NEGERI 1 CIAMPEL 2021-06-12T23:28:24+07:00 Astri Ayu Irawan Husen Nurdin Johansyah Lubis Rizky Aminudin Evi Susianti <p>The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is an effect of direct instruction on learning outcomes of chest pass in basketball games for class X SMA Negeri 1 Ciampel. The research method in this is experimental, which is meant by experimental is an artificial condition in which these conditions are created and regulated by the researcher. After the pre-test was carried out, the researcher gave the treatment, namely by giving instruction to 40 respondents. The research instrument was the chest pass test. This research was processed using the t-count formula and compared with the t-table. The results of the study show that learning chest pass using direct instruction has a significant effect on the basketball chest pass skills of students of class X SMA Negeri 1 Ciampel, Karawang Regency, with the t-count result of 2.166 which is greater than the t-table 2.018. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the direct learning model (direct instruction) can improve chest pass skills in basketball games for Class X students of SMA Negeri 1 Ciampel. The novelty of this training model is to use a more varied direct learning model so that it is interesting and easy for respondents to do. The results of this study can be applied to class X at other places and schools with the aim of improving chest pass skills in basketball games.</p> 2021-06-12T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## SERVICE TECHNIQUE IN BADMINTON FOR STUDENTS 2021-06-12T23:39:02+07:00 Syafaruddin Syafaruddin Hartati Hartati Silvi Aryanti <p>The purpose of this study is to develop a badminton long forehand service learning technique for female students of physical education faculty of teacher training so that learning objectives can be achieved using research and development with analysis, design, development or production models, implementation or delivery and evaluations. Respondents in the study were female students. The product in this study produced a long badminton forehand service manual. Based on the results of the expert validation of badminton games in the category of quite decent. Results validation of experts in Physical Education, Sports and Health in the category of quite decent. Service need to be given more to students in high categories The implication of this study is that long forehand service learning techniques can be used for badminton learning.</p> 2021-06-12T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## EFFECTIVENESS OF GLOBAL LECTURE METHODS IN IMPROVING FOOTBALL PLAYING SKILLS AT FOOTBALL LECTURES 2021-06-12T23:47:19+07:00 Endie Riyoko Rury Rizhardi Ilham Arvan Junaidi <p>This study entitled The Effectiveness of Global Lecture Methods in Improving the skills to play football in soccer lectures. The research method used is pre-experimental research with the type of the one group pretest-posttest design which aims to see an increase in Football Playing Skills in the Football Game &nbsp;subject &nbsp;after &nbsp;being&nbsp; given &nbsp;the &nbsp;form &nbsp;of &nbsp;the Global training method and seeing the quality of learning outcomes of these subjects before and after being given the Global training method. The research subjects were 30 students who took the Football Game course, the research subjects were determined with the consideration of the class that had Football Playing Skills problems. Data collection techniques using a football playing skills test. The data obtained were analyzed using paired sample t-test with the help of the Statistical Product&nbsp;&nbsp; and&nbsp; &nbsp;Service&nbsp;&nbsp; Solution&nbsp;&nbsp; (SPSS)&nbsp; &nbsp;program version 21.0. The results showed that tcount (11.57)&gt; ttable (1.70). This means that the research hypothesis can be accepted. Thus it can be concluded that the Global Training Method is effective in increasing the ability to play football.</p> 2021-06-12T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## EFFECTIVENESS OF DEVELOPMENT MODEL LEARNING OVERHEAD PASS VOLLEYBALL 2021-06-12T23:54:57+07:00 Destriana Destriana Muslimin Muslimin Destriani Destriani <p>This study aimed to obtain the effectiveness of the development model of learning overhead pass volleyball game for junior high school students of class VII I. Effectiveness developing a model of learning overhead pass done in Junior High School No 1 Palembang by using research methods <em>Experiments </em>. The sample in this study consisted of 30 male students of Junior High School No 1 Palembang VIII class 2018/2019 , using ordinal pairing samples. Quantitative data analysis techniques . The instrument used in this study was a test of passing skills on volleyball. The results showed that the results of tcount was 16.6 while T table was 1.70 which was obtained from the T distribution table with dk (30-2) = 28 and a confidence level of 95% ( α = 0.05), listed in the table because tcount (16,6)&gt; t table (1.70), then there is a significant difference between the post-test and pre-test , so that the development of a learning model for volleyball playing is effective for junior high school students' learning. The findings in this study are that the pasing learning model can improve the learning outcomes of overhead pass volleyball. The implementation of this research is that the development of this model is declared effective for overhead pass learning so that it can be used by physical education teachers as an additional variation of learning models in teaching overhead pass volleyball games .</p> 2021-06-12T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PHYSICAL ACTIVITY DEVELOPMENT MODEL.USING TRADITIONAL BALINESE GAME IN JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL 2021-06-13T00:05:02+07:00 I Ketut Hendry Wijaya Kusuma Moch Asmawi Firmansyah Dlis <p>this study aims to develop learning of physical activity using traditional Ballinese in junior high schools, Buleleng Regency. So students can learn physical materials without feeling bored and tired. This study refer to research and development model by Borg and Gall. From the research and development as well as the procedures carried out above, the resulting product is a physical fitness learning model based on traditional Balinese games in junior high schools consisting of 30 traditional Balinese games. Product development begins with expert studies, field tests in small and large test groups and. Effectiveness tests. Large group test results, the model developed can be applied by students properly. In the effectiveness test, the mean of the control group = 364.08 while the mean of the experimental group = 350.00 shows the difference between the results of the experimental group and the control group, it can be concluded that there is a significant difference between the experimental group given the treatment and the control group. Product development can ,improving significantly on the physical activity and attitude or affective student. Based on the results of the research above, the product model of learning physical fitness activities based on traditional Balinese games can be recommended and effective as a learning model of physical fitness activities in junior high schools.</p> 2021-06-12T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## IMPROVE LEARNING OUTCOMES OF FUNDAMENTAL MOTOR SKILL (WALK, RUN AND JUMP) WITH THE PLAY METHOD IN GRADE THREE STUDENTS OF NEUHEUN ACEH BESAR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 2021-06-13T00:13:59+07:00 Hendra Saputra Achmad Sofyan Hanif Iman Sulaiman Desy Tya Maya Ningrum <p>The physical education learning process implemented in elementary schools is still far from being expected because it has not led to improving gross motor skills by not eliminating the element of play. By applying game models, it is hoped that you can develop gross motor skills either through games carried out in teams or individually. This study used a action research classroom with 22 participants (12 girls and 10 boys) aged 8-9 years. The data collection instrument used TGMD-2 (Test Gross Motor Development). Based on the first cycle of learning gross motor skills (walking, jumping and running) only 1 student passed, while the average test score was 60 - 62 and the lowest score was obtained by two students 55 and 57. Based on the results of cycle II 4 students get a score of 71 and 4 other students get a score between 80 - 82 and 14 other students get a score between 73 – 77. The learning method with the play approach must be designed to be more interesting, fun, easy and involve more gross motor skills (walking, running and jumping) so that students are more motivated to take part in learning. The application of learning with the play approach method is effective in improving learning outcomes for gross motor skills (walking, running and jumping). In addition, the method applied can make the learning environment more enjoy.</p> 2021-06-13T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## EVALUATION OF THE EVENTS SPORT TOURISM TOBA RALLY LAKE 2019 2021-06-13T22:00:10+07:00 Joen Parningotan Purba Milda Vinna br Payung Widiastuti Widiastuti <p>The implementation of tourism promotion activities on a national and international scale combined with sports activities is one of the events organized by the government of North Sumatra Province. Analysis of the potential tourism and sports objects in North Sumatra Province needs to be carried out in a comprehensive and to identify the weaknesses and strengths of the location of the tourism and sports objects. Evaluation research is used to determine which activities have been carried out in accordance with the expected objectives. Subjects involved in this study amounted to 17 people consisting of a responsible person, the chief executive and 15 participants. The instruments used were questionnaires, interviews, observation and document analysis. Based on the evaluation of the sub context program which includes three things, namely: 1) Legal Basis and Government Policy; 2) Purpose; 3) The target can be categorized as Good. The evaluation of the sub Input program includes four things, namely: 1) Participants, 2) Implementation, 3) Financing, and 4) The Committee can be categorized as Good. evaluation of the sub-process program includes two things, namely: 1) competition regulations and, 2) implementation can be categorized as Good. The evaluation of the sub-process program includes two things, namely: 1) The level of participation and public interest, and 2) The role of the media in publication and promotion of sports to the community can be categorized as Good. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the 2019 Toba Rally sports tourism program can increase public interest in participating, the economy and the number of tourists who come because it is supported by government policies.</p> 2021-06-13T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## RECIPROCAL TEACHING STYLE AND MOTIVATION IN IMPROVING THE RESULTS OF LEARNING PASSING IN FOOTBALL COURSES 2021-06-13T22:10:16+07:00 Sahabul Adri AR Firmansyah Dlis Hidayat Humaid <p>Teaching style is one of the factors supporting success in learning. Every instructor (teacher / lecturer) must pay attention to and choose a teaching style that is in accordance with the material that will be given to their students. It is known that there are problems with Penjaskesrek students at Serambi University in Mecca, including the still low average scores of students in football courses. Based on the results of the analysis, this happens because students who underestimate this course, so it looks students are not excited and can even be categorized as less motivated. The formulation of the problem in this research is whether there is an influence of reciprocal teaching style and motivation on the improvement of the results of deep leg learning in soccer courses? The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of reciprocal teaching style and motivation on improving the results of learning to pass deep legs in football courses. This research is an experimental research, with a population of 40 students. The sampling technique in this study is total sampling, so the total population is taken as a sample of 40 students. Based on the results of the study found that there is an influence of reciprocal learning models and motivation to increase learning outcomes in the passing of the foot in the soccer course that is a high motivation group pre test average 46.4 increased 14.95 so that it becomes an average of 61, 35 While the low motivation group pre test average 46.7 increased by 13.85 so that it becomes an average of 60.55. The conclusion is that to improve the learning outcomes of passing in football, especially in the passing of inner legs, both high and low motivation students can use reciprocal learning models.</p> 2021-06-13T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## MULTIMEDIA FOR COURSE BASKETBALL WORKING EXPERTISE 2021-06-13T22:17:49+07:00 Giartama Giartama Hartati Hartati Silvi Aryanti <p>This study aims to develop learning media by using multimedia in basic basketball skills courses so that helping physical education students in the learning process can achieve competence. The method used is research and development. Respondents in the study were students in the physical and health education study program at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Universitas Sriwijaya. The instrument obtained through testing was classified into 2, namely qualitative data and quantitative data. Qualitative data in the form of suggestions put forward by media experts, material experts, and linguists as well as students are collected and described to improve this learning multimedia product. The results of the study on small-scale trials obtained a percentage of 68.75 which is the average yield of 20 respondents who were tested included in the category of "quite decent". The results of a large-scale multimedia development trial in the basketball game working course obtained a percentage of 83.43 which is the average yield of 55 respondents who were tested included in the category of "feasible" to be used as multimedia. The findings in this study are multimedia that can be used by students for learning basketball. The implication of this study is that multimedia learning models can be applied to basketball learning.</p> 2021-06-13T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## TRADITIONAL GAMES FOR EARLY CHILDREN 2021-06-13T22:30:51+07:00 Reza Resah Pratama Destriana Destriana <p>This study aims to develop a product in the form of a basic motion learning model based on traditional games for early childhood. This type of research is development, using Research and Development from Borg and Gall which consists of ten steps. These steps are (1) Research and Information collecting (2) Planning, compiling a research plan, which is motivated by an analysis of the needs of a&nbsp; traditional game-based basic motion learning model that does not conventionally dance, (3) Development of the preliminary From Of Product , carried out with material preparation, drafts and validated by experts, (4) Preliminary Field testing, the initial stage trials were carried out &nbsp;on &nbsp;20 &nbsp;subjects.&nbsp; (5) &nbsp;Main &nbsp;product &nbsp;revision, first &nbsp;the preparation of the game from the level of difficulty, secondly optimization of execution time and safety, third the number of basic movements to 58 movements and 20 games that can be performed by children (6) Play field testing, carried out on 60 subjects (7) Operational product revision, based on suggestions and input on the main test results (8) Operational field testing, testing the effectiveness of the main product is done on 80 people (9) Final product revision. Data were collected&nbsp; through&nbsp; documentation, observation, interviews and basic motion tests. Data analysis was carried out descriptively, qualitatively and quantitatively. The results of the study were in the form of a manual for basic motion based on traditional games. The results of the research prove that: 1) the development of basic motion learning models based on traditional games for early childhood has been declared valid by motor learning experts, physical activity experts and early childhood education practitioners, 2) the basic motion learning model based on traditional games is proven &nbsp;to &nbsp;be &nbsp;86%. &nbsp;improve&nbsp; basic &nbsp;mobility &nbsp;and &nbsp;build self-confidence and courage.</p> 2021-06-13T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## MODELS OF TRASH-BASED SMASH TRAINING MODEL USING TRAINING TOOLS 2021-06-13T22:36:04+07:00 Wiwik Yunitaningrum <p>This study aims to develop a smash training model based on smash training aids. This research is based on a needs analysis with a survey method which is then developed according to learning resources and characteristics that are in accordance with the needs analysis of the development of a smash skill model based on media for athletes in Pontianak in the form of printed media products, a training model book. The research method used is a development research method with development steps designed by Borg and Gall, with a total sample of 40 athletes. Based on the needs analysis data obtained 100% of athletes need the development of a model of smash training based on training aids and analysis by experts developing a model of training smash based on training tools in Pontianak city athletes is feasible so that it can be used at the training stage the results of small group and large group trials are obtained the conclusion can be applied because it can be done by athletes. While the effectiveness test calculation obtained t-count itung t-table (2.21 2,2.028 which means there are differences in results between the experimental group, the experimental group has improved better than the control group the conclusion of this study is the smash skills training model based on training aids Pontianak city athletes can be used as a medium to train adolescent athletes.</p> 2021-06-13T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## THE EFFECT OF A TACTICAL APPROACH TO THE BASIC TECHNIQUES OF UNDER VOLAR PASSING IN CLASS VII STUDENTS AT MTsN 4 KARAWANG 2021-06-13T22:48:36+07:00 Evi Susianti Irma Rizki Nawawi Astri Ayu Irawan Johansyah Lubis <p>The aims of this study was to know the influence the student’s tactical approach model (model pendekatan taktis) bottom passing on volleyball basic technique in seven grade at MTsN 4 Karawang. To answer the formulation of research problem that has been formulated, researcher used a quantitative approach with control group design. One classes of students were selected to be the samples of this research, VII C class of 48 divided by two group as experiment group 24 students and as control group 24 students. There are three stages in this study, pretest, treatment and posttest. Both of experimental and control group were given pretest and posttest. The experimental group was taught by using tactical approach model (model pendekatan taktis), while the control group was taught by using conventional method. The data of the study were analyzed by using SPSS 22 for windows. This research finding showed that the experimental group had higher writing score than control group. It can be seen from the posttest mean of experimental group was 10.13, while the mean of control group was 9.46. Meanwhile, the result of calculating effectiveness show the influence tactical approach model (model pendekatan taktis) for experiment group was 9%, while for control group was 5.6%. it means the influence student’s bottom passing on volleyball in experimental group was higher than control group by using conventional method. In conclusion, the statistical computation showed that tactical approach model (model pendekatan taknis) can influence student’s toward bottom passing on volleyball basic technique in seven grade MTsN 4 Karawang.</p> 2021-06-13T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##