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  • Irwan Sutandi STIE SERELO LAHAT
  • Hardiyansyah . STIE SERELO LAHAT
  • Lin Yan syah STIE SERELO LAHAT
Keywords: Training, Career Development, Office Facilities and Performance.


The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the effect of training on employee performance at the Lahat Regency Civil Service Police and Fire Service Officers, to determine and analyze the effect of career development on employee performance at the Lahat Regency Civil Service Police and Fire Service Officers, to determine and analyze the effect office facilities on the performance of Lahat District Civil Service Police and Lahat District Fire Service staff and to know and analyze the effects of training, career development and office facilities together on the performance of Lahat District Civil Service and Fire Service Officers. Primary data in this study were obtained by distributing questionnaires to 58 people from the Civil Service of the Civil Service Police Unit and the Lahat District Fire Department. Data analysis techniques used in the SPSS application version, using data testing, and satatistik testing. From the results of data analysis of the variables studied, namely training, career development and office facilities, there was an influence on the performance of the State Civil Apparatus at the Civil Service Police Unit and the Lahat District Fire Department simultaneously and partially


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