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  • Hardiyansyah . STIE SERELO LAHAT
Keywords: Public Service Performance


The purposes of this study were: to determine and analyze the performance of public services at the UPTD Bapenda of South Sumatra Province (SAMSAT Pagar Alam City), to find out and analyze the factors that affect the performance of public services at the UPTD Bapenda of South Sumatra Province (SAMSAT Pagar Alam City) and to find out and analyze the efforts made by the UPTD Bapenda of South Sumatra Province (SAMSAT Pagar Alam City) in improving the performance of public services. Data analysis techniques used include data analysis, data reduction, data presentation, verification, and concluding. From the results of data analysis, it can be concluded that: The quality of public service performance of the UPTD Bapenda of South Sumatra Province (SAMSAT Pagar Alam City) can be seen from Tangibles, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, and Empathy. Inhibiting factors that affect the performance of public services UPTD Bapenda South Sumatra Province (SAMSAT Pagar Alam City), as follows: funding problems. , human resource problems, limited space, procurement of facilities that are less than optimal, services are still limited, annual tax services and networks are suddenly offline. Supporting factors include simplicity, discipline, data accuracy, completeness, technical training/guidance, communication, and attitude of service personnel.


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